Last year it was a Thursday
I was 1000 miles from home
And yet still felt close -
because we're all family
As I sit here gazing through teary eyes
at the photo you took of me
standing in the ocean
blue sky behind me as far as you can see.
You'd be 56 today Uncle Bruce.
I really never thought just one year ago
that you would be taken away so quickly
I still don't understand, but I savor the memories.
Maybe my vacation had a bigger meaning
maybe it was meant to bring us together
or maybe it was to say goodbye.
I'm so sorry you didn't get to see me off at the airport.
Of course I didn't know
I wouldn't see you again
But maybe somehow you knew
Details still haunt me today.
I wrote a poem that day sitting on the plane
about life and a new outlook.
Never realized I'd deal with death
only a month later.
I bet you never thought
I miss you as much as I do.
Memories appear at strange times
Makes me cry sometimes.
When I interact with kids
- surprisingly enough -
I think of things you did and said
to me to make me feel special.
Happy Birthday Uncle Bruce
I am proud to be your niece
and I miss you.
with love,
Ms. Gina