Passive Aggression
I want to take a moment to post an article on Passive Aggression. I found that there really weren't enough articles on the web about Passive-Aggression, so I have re-typed this one from Prevention magazine. Part of what went wrong in my marriage was that my partner was passive-aggressive. It aggravated my condition and emotional instability even worse. Anyone with self-esteem problems or personality problems should learn to be well aware of dealing with passive aggressive people, because they will make you crazy. Personal example: there is nothing worse than being blamed for not receiving a birthday gift from your husband! I hope to find more resources on how to deal with p-a. Meanwhile, here is the article I did find.
on passive-aggression
get hurt by false friends or lovers. here’s
how to tell the good from the bad
Ed Pavelka Published in
Prevention Magazine, June 1998 Issue
of the time he’s Mr. Nice Guy: kind, cooperative, supportive. But sometimes,
when you really need him, he’s not there. Like the day he forgot he promised
to help you wallpaper the kitchen. When you reminded him, he got angry. Then you felt guilty.
your best friend. When you were dieting, she was your biggest cheerleader. But
when she gave you a birthday present of Godiva chocolates, you felt confused.
You smiled and thanked her, but you were left thinking that her gift was
anything but generous.
these scenarios remind you of someone, you’ve been the victim of the
sugarcoated hostility of a passive-aggressive.
could be a family member, a friend, a partner, or a co-worker. Someone who says
they like or even love you – but whose actions send you subliminal messages of
anger and hostility so confusing that you wonder what you did wrong.
people are like snowballs with rocks inside,” says Tamara Hall, an educational
consultant who gives presentations about this complex disorder to schools and
businesses. “They come at you soft, but they’re not. They can do a lot of
can wreck your relationship, your reputation, and sometimes even your
self-esteem. Your best protection: Learn to see them coming and react in ways
that will soften the blow and disarm them.
are literally aggressive in a passive way. They aren’t hostile one moment and
then kind the next. Instead, they perform the maddening trick of being both
at the same time.
to Linda Sapadin, PhD, a psychologist in private practice in Valley Stream, NY,
“This person who has a strong need to be a nice guy, not to be defiant and
rebellious, yet he is defiant and
never learned the right way “to express anger and hostility,” adds Scott
Wetzler, PhD, a professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
in the Bronx, NY, and author of Living
With the Passive-Aggressive Man (Fireside, 1993).
passive-aggression is kid stuff. When you tell kids to go clean up their room,
they grudgingly say okay, then the “forget” or find other flimsy excuses.
Most of us outgrow this behavior. But for some people, this techniques works so
well that they carry it into adulthood. “It’s an avoidance pattern, and that’s
the essence of the passive-aggressive person,” explains Dr. Sapadin.
the passive-aggressive person is often avoiding is conflict, expressing thoughts
and feelings that are negative or socially unacceptable.
“Forgetting,” couching his anger in kind words or jokes, agreeing
with you and then telling others you’re wrong, being habitually late – these
are just a few of the ways a passive-aggressive person manages to express his
hostility while still maintaining his “good guy” image.
Wetzler calls passive-aggression “crazy-making behavior.” And who it makes
the craziest is you – the perplexed person on the receiving end. Here’s how
it works on you:
the warning signals of passive-aggression is a real challenge, but it can be
done. What do you look for? The quiz on p 125 highlights
some examples of passive-aggressive behavior. Once you’re able to recognize
it, you can respond in ways that will not only protect you, but help the other
person as well.
-end of article-
Because passive-aggression is so insidious, it can be hard to identify. If you think someone you know may be passive-aggressive, take this quiz. (And don't hesitate to apply it to yourself.) How frequently does the person in question
...make excuses to avoid routine social or work obligations? | never
sometimes often | to keep promises, resulting in problems for you or others? | never
sometimes often |
...complain of being misunderstood or unappreciated? | never
sometimes often |
...complain about and exaggerate his own misfortune? | never
sometimes often |
...have a pessimistic outlook even when things are going well? | never
sometimes often |
...make attempts at humor that are laced with hurtful gives and sarcasm toward you? | never
sometimes often |
...blame his failures on the behavior of other people? | never
sometimes often |
...agree with you, then go off and side with others against you? | never
sometimes often |
...perform a task so slowly and inefficiently that it's tempting to stop asking him to do it? | never
sometimes often |
R E S U L T S: Give 0 points for each never, 1 for sometimes, 2 for often
0 Oh come on, nobody's that perfect!
1-4 Few passive-aggressive tendencies here.
5-8 Some passive-aggressive habits. Is it having a bad impact on you?
9-12 A strong passive-aggressive streak here.
13-16 Extreme passive-aggressive tendencies. If we're talking about a partner or loved one -- or you -- consider getting counseling
Last edited: 03/30/2006 11:36 AM